Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Tweaks 'n Geeks.

Had another short session with Padraig to finish up his album. The only problem now is stopping myself from making little tweaks as I'm bouncing the songs down.
I did catch some ess-y vocals that I'd missed previously though, and I got a chance to fool around with using the URS CS Pro's de-esser preset (which is easily recreated with Dynamics III or similar - it's pretty much a compressor with a sidechain HPF set somewhere upwards of 4.5khz).
It does a pretty fine job of taming the esses without sucking the bright outta the vocal too much.
That and the uncontrollable urge to add a feedbacking delay outro spacenoise thing to the final song on the album aside, I battled the tweak-lust as manfully as I could.
The record is off to mastering with Golden in the next few weeks, hopefully.

Did attended mixing of the first Rifle Fire Rifle tune last night - I'd gotten the mix into pretty good shape, so it was mostly a case of tweaking a few bits here and there into place. We'll reconvene to finish it up in the next few days. The guys seem excited to be getting a first 'finished product', which is always a nice feeling.

The three Stoat tunes are ready for mix, so as soon as I can make the time, I'll be getting stuck into them too.
It looks like the long-awaited summing mixer shootout will be starting this weekend - a full report will follow!

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