Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Finishing touches

Had a (near) final tidy-up session with Padraig on Monday.
He had a few notes, so we ran through each song making a few tweaks here and there.
Everything seems to be in pretty good shape, so now it's a case of checking out the mixes on a bunch of different speaker systems to see what they can tell me.
Listening to it in the car last night, I was struck by difference in detail between the car stereo (which isn't a bad one) and my Focals. The car stereo kinda smoothed everything out and made things that really jump out of the mix on my monitors receed back quite a bit. Thank God for the Focals - at least they tell me what's actually going on.
Aside from tweaking the vocal up a touch in one or two songs, the 'consumer' stereos are great for getting a handle on what the low end is going to sound like in the real world. Most consumer stereos have a bump in the low end in and around 100hz to add some excitement, and knowing how your bass and kick drum will be affected is really valuable.
That low end is definitely the trickiest part of a mix to really nail, so I'll always try to get plenty of different perspectives on it.

Padraig's talking about mastering with Golden, which is great, home recorded stuff always benefits most from a really good mastering job - it's also a really good incentive for me to try to get things right! A bunch of Irish bands have used Golden recently with great results - Dudley Corporation, Nina Hynes, Jimmy Cake etc.
With the dollar where it is, and the ability to ftp the files back and forth, it makes a huge amount of sense to go to the US for mastering, particularly with the ease of access you get to really experienced professionals.

Update on the analog summing/gear lust situation..
I'm starting to lean towards the RollMusic Folcrom for that analog summing situation.
It's cheaper than the Dangerous D-Box but still has plenty going for it. Golden Age have them for 578 ex vat and shipping. I'm definitely gonna have to see if I can arrange a demo. It doesn't have the monitoring control/switching or built-in conversion of the D-Box, but then again it is half the price and sums 16 instead of 8 channels. Being able to use the mic pre of your choice for make-up gain and 'colour' is definitely a nice option, although my APIs are the only dudes I think I'd trust in that scenario.

I'm also (finally) demoing the URS Saturation plugin. They finally got around to releasing the PC version (although only for vst so far - I'm using the Fxpansion VST wrapper.. recommended, by the way) and so far, it's pretty sweet. Very nice on a parallel drum bus. Pretty good for giving DI bass a little grit and roughing up vocals where necessary.
I think I'm gonna go with their rental option - it's $200 to buy, but you can rent it by the month for $100, and when you've rented the full price worth, you own the plugin. Beautiful!

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