Monday, March 3, 2008

RfR gtr dubz yo

Yesterday was guitar dub day out at Rifle Fire Rifle headquarters.
It was a bit warmer than last time out, thankfully.

It was pretty much all R121 and SM58 into API in front of my Blues Junior.
We've got each section of the song pretty well covered for different tones now, the only slight concern may be tying them all together in the mix. We got a particularly nice blend between a mild big muff fuzz and a Blues Jr. cranked up distortion for the chorus.

I tried Nick's Sennheiser E902 early on, which sounded pretty nuts. It's got a really pronounced smiley curve frequency response to it, which didn't work for any of the sounds we wanted. I must try it sometime for a hilarious snare sound or something.

In other news..
When will Digi release PTLE for Leopard?
When will my SM7 arrive?
What about new TapeOp?

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